Tell the truth and sing as beautifully as possible.” - John Denver

You better damn well know what the words mean!” - Frank Sinatra

I HAVE TAKEN THE ABOVE QUOTES TO HEART, as I’ve interpreted the songs I do.  It makes them AUTHENTIC, REAL AND FRESH.  I relate to the lyrics and have both happy and sad memories associated with them.  So, when I perform covers, I tell the story from my heart, even though it’s someone else’s lyric.

Performing for me is a party and a celebration.  It’s a MAGICAL, JOYFUL, SOULFUL INTERACTION with people who resonate with the songs and the MEMORIES associated with them, whether those are intimate ballads or high energy dance tunes. I get a big kick out of seeing people burst into song, or be moved to tears.

Music is an art form that TOUCHES THE HEART.  It is a necessary escape from the stress or monotony of our daily lives.  Like a stunning view of the mountains or the ocean, it REPLENISHES THE SOUL, reminds us of the BEAUTY AND VALUE in living; and it CONNECTS AND BONDS us to other people.